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At HostFrye.com we partner with industry leaders and trend setters. Our thought is always geared toward providing our clients with the best possible service and tools.

Our Partners

Network Partners become advocates of the Microsoft business model by demonstrating the support available from within a Web business ecosystem.

The goal is to establish an ecosystem of partners that facilitates software-based Web businesses.

As members of that ecosystem, Network Partners benefit from opportunities to drive new business and revenue growth and to have more visibility and impact.

Microsoft WebsiteSpark provides direct referrals to developers and designers (Web Pros), with their customers then providing another level of business opportunity.


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When you join the Microsoft Partner Network, you receive a set of core benefits that can help you save time and money while you strengthen your capabilities, better serve customers, and build connections to reach your full business potential.

You’ll be able to make the most of your unique expertise with support stages of your business cycle.

And as you increase your commitment to your Microsoft partner relationship, Microsoft recognizes you with higher-value benefits.